Ride Boldly!

Bikes, bicycling, and road safety.

January 27, 2012
by julie

A New Transportation Bill? Panic, Round 8,377,201

Next Thursday, February 2, the House Transportation Committee is expected to vote on the “American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act.” Note the propaganda-friendly naming. This is, in fact, intended to be the long-awaited multi-year transportation bill. As usual, we are … Continue reading

April 7, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Study: Analysis of Biking Trends & Policies in Large American Cities

Study: Analysis of Biking Trends & Policies in Large American Cities

There’s a new report out this week that shows Minneapolis in a shining light as a national example. Published by the University Transportation Research Center and authored by researchers at Virginia Tech and Rutgers Universities, the Analysis of Biking Trends … Continue reading

February 11, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Study: Cycle Tracks Safer Than Riding in Street

Study: Cycle Tracks Safer Than Riding in Street

A new study published in the journal Injury Prevention reports that cyclists in Montreal using dedicated cycle tracks have lower incidence of injury than cyclists using the street. Cycle tracks are fairly common in Montreal and throughout Europe, particularly in … Continue reading

February 9, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Crash (Statistics) Bang Boom

Crash (Statistics) Bang Boom

It’s been getting tons of coverage in the local media and from national organizations: As the rate of cycling in the Twin Cities has increased, crash rate has declined. Similar findings have occurred in studies in NYC, Portland (OR), and … Continue reading